Akaflieg Madrid was born in 2017 with the aim of returning to the original goals of Club de Vuelo UPM: creating a university club similar to the ones in German universities.
These clubs were formed in Germany between World War I and World War II as a consequence of the increasing number of competitions consisting in the creation of sailplanes (due to the sanctions imposed on Germany after WWI), which led to the appearance of small groups of engineering students of different technical universities with the aim of teaching the theoretical and practical parts of the aeronautic design.
This is why, regarding gliding, these are the main technological innovators, which have created hundreds of prototypes that have, eventually, reached the clouds.
All these Akaflieg are hosted by a larger organization called Idaflieg, where the Akaflieg Madrid was admitted in January 2019.
Akaflieg Madrid
Akaflieg Madrid is formed by a small group of members of Club de Vuelo UPM, who are passionate about aviation and engineering. Some of these members have already finished their undergraduate studies. Nevertheless, they are important for the development of the projects. Each member of the Akaflieg has knowledge and abilities that differ from the rest, which they use to teach the rest and solve the different duties that he is assigned.
In addition to the development of projects, they are also responsible for the management of the Club, as well as the maintenance of the aircrafts that we fly.
Being part of the Akaflieg offers its members valuable skills regarding their professional careers as they face real-life situations, using techniques, tools and procedures used in the industry, as well as applying the knowledge learned in class to real life. This is the best way of training future workers.
How can I join the Akaflieg?
First, you must be a member of the Club de Vuelo UPM. To join the Club, you must fill in the inscription form ypu can find in this link.
To join Akaflieg Madrid you do not have to possess any special knowledge or abilities. The main goal of this organization is that its members learn and use the knowledge they acquire through the development of different projects, so you do not have to worry about not having the required experience or skills.
You must only have a good attitude and be able to keep your commitment, being ready to work and strive for the rest of the team. In addition, you have to be tolerant with the mistakes made by others, trying to learn from them.