If flying were the language of man, soaring would be its poetry.

Flight club and Akaflieg based in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenería Aeronáutica y del Espacio (The School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering), part of the UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Open to all UPM students and personnel
We develop engineering projects related to gliding as members of the Idaflieg
Fleet consisting in two sailplanes
We take part in championships in which several pilots of our Club have won trophies
We transmit aeronautic culture in every possible way
We collaborate with the Real Aeroclub de Toledo, Las Sillas Voladoras and ULM Escuela de Vuelo
Aeronáuticos Flight Club was born in 2010 in the aeronautic engineering schools of the UPM, reviving the homonym club active in the 90s. We are a group passionate about aviation. Formed mainly by Aerospace Engineering students, the club is open to all the UPM schools. In our club there are, as well, professional airline transport pilots and flight instructors, as well as engineers working in maintenance, consultancy, etc.
Our main goals are the development of aeronautic projects and promoting general aviation, this is why, between our main activities, you can find:
- development if engineering projects
- gliding championships
- aircraft maintenance
- flight simulation
- promoting aviation
At the moment there are two different sections in the Club de Vuelo UPM. On the one hand, the section with the same name as the Club and, on the other hand, the Akaflieg Madrid.

The Club de Vuelo part is formed by all the club members. In this part we develop all the activities that have to do with the promotion of aviation like organising events, as well as taking part in championships and flight simulation.
Akaflieg Madrid is formed by a small group of the Club members. This group is in charge of the aircraft maintenance as well as the development of several engineering projects. This group was created following the steps of other university flight clubs in Germany, which are called Akaflieg.

The club has a fleet consisting of two sailplanes, a two-seater (Schleicher K7) and a one-seater (Akaflieg Braunschweig SB-5B), both of them based in Lillo airfield.

As part of our goal of promoting aviation, we try to fly with a low price, affordable for students. This can be done thanks to the work and effort of the club members. This way, not only we reach a high degree of self-management but we acquire knowledge on the different disciplines that take part in flying (maintenance, instruction, administrative procedures, etc.). All those members who are not in possession of a license can fly with other qualified members so they can learn and enjoy the art of flight.